Tuesday 19 February 2013

Canadian authors bare it all

Looks like Allegra Young, a classical music producer, and author Amanda Leduc finally saw Calendar Girls, a 2003 comedy about a Women's Institute chapter's fundraising effort for a local hospital by posing nude for a calendar. And they were inspired, as their photo below well shows.

This time, though, the monthly models are Canadian authors,  men and women, and the "fig leaves" are books. Pen Canada will benefit from the sales of the inaugural Bare It for Books calendar, reports today's National Post. "When you buy a Bare It For Books calendar, you’ll support the fight for free speech, and show solidarity with all writers, readers, and thinkers worldwide," says Pen's website.

Young and Leduc hatched the idea through tweets. They then recruited the models via email: Angie Abdou, Trevor Cole, Farzana Doctor, Dave Bidini, Miranda Hill, Daniel MacIvor, Yasuko Thanh, Terry Fallis, Sachiko Murakami, Vincent Lam, Saleema Nawaz and Yann Martel. You can pick out your favourite month on the Bare it for Books website.

Leduc and young pose naked with books
Amanda Leduc and  Allegra  Young

"It’s a risky venture,” Leduc says. “A naked calendar isn’t something that you see everyday.” But it's something you see far too often in my view, with everyone from firefighters to Peterborough's octagenarians getting into the picture -- but I'm OK with the firefighters. After all, they do protect us.

The calendars go on sale in October. Remains to be seen if the books and authors being promoted make it onto next year's CBC Canada Reads list.

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